Sunday, July 11, 2010

How to Be a Good Learner? (Samar)

Choosing the right way to study can be stressful, but you can reduce your stress by following these steps. First of all, is scheduling study time and schedule breaks. This means after you finish your school you should organize your time. For instance, after I finish school, I take a break for around one hour. Then I start to do my homework and review. Next, you should choose the right place to study and consider the atmosphere, so you must have a quiet place, well-lit with enough space for books and comfortable but not too comfortable room.
The third step is important. Choose the person who you want to study with. I mean if you like to stud with your friends, this can help you to understand and catch the new information. On the other hand, it isn’t good idea to study in a romantic place.
Brief suggestion on studying a foreign language is learning a skill and practice. Studying with loud voice this way makes your mouth or your hand do what your mind is learning. There are three types learning styles. The first is visual learning means learning by listening. Secondly, is tactile or kinaesthetic learning means learning by touch and using your hands. Finally, is auditory learning means learning by seeing.
In my opinion I think the best learning style for me is kinaesthetic learning style. Therefore, I use this style to improve my English skills. I hope everyone know his/her style to help them to be a good learner.


  1. Hi Samar, I learned how to be a good learner from your blog. I am not good at organizing my time. I try to do this way. Thank you for your good information! (Yayoi)

  2. Hi Samar,
    Some great insights into how people learn! I like the mind map you chose - do you ever think in this particular fashion? Perhaps we should consider doing some more "hand on" learning in the classroom! Let me know what I can modify and adapt to help you with your learning! (Janelle)
