Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Learning English in Vancouver is the best! (Mamiko)

Hi! This is Mamiko, and this is the first time to write journal.

Learning English in Vancouver is better than in Japan because we have many chances to speak English. In my opinion, this is the most important thing to learn English because most of Japanese have writing skills and reading skills. However, they cannot speak English because they learn mainly English to write and read, not to speak. Moreover, most of English teachers in Japan cannot speak English with correct pronunciation.

Almost Japanese study English only for entrance examinations. Therefore, they think that English is one of subjects that they need to study like math, and they do not think English as one of the communication tools. However, they realize that English is not kind of subjects. Nowadays, Japanese think English as a communication tool; and we have to study English. Therefore, a lot of parents spend money for their children studying abroad.

I think the best place to learn English is Canada. Canadian is kindly, honestly and friendly. Moreover, Canada has been receptive to immigrants, so it does not have any racial discrimination. I think only English policy is also good because we have to speak English in the building, so I can acquire many English words, idioms and so on. I am happy to learn English in Canada and ELI!!!!


  1. Hi Mamiko
    I agree with your opinion
    In my country has a same problem in Japan

  2. Hi Mamiko
    I agree with your opinion too.
    That's the same in China, the students are good at reading and listening, but their speaking are bad. (Kenny)

  3. Hi Mamiko,
    I also happy to study English in Canada. You are right about teaching technique is important to be a good speaker. thank you to share us your view.(Samar)

  4. Hi Mamiko,
    It makes me very happy to hear that you are enjoying your time and studies here in Canada! I particularly like the image of the world map on the hands - can you tell us more about why you chose this picture? (Janelle)

  5. Hi! Jenelle.
    I think this picture is funny, so I chose this. There is no reasons:>

    Thank you all of comments!

