Monday, June 14, 2010

Different Communicates Between Male and Female(Wenan Wu)

Wenan Wu
420W—in class academic writing 2
June15th, 2010.

Different Communicates Between Male and Female(Wenan Wu)

There are many different communicates between male and female. Event thought they grow up in the some culture. We can find the difference since they are in the first, when they grow up, we can see more and more dissimilar.
First, when they are in the school, boys and girls usually play in the some-sex groups. The boys like playing in the big groups. They like to compare to each other and get more attention from them classmates. While they are playing games, they try to their best to win. They like to show how better they can do. Otherwise, the girls prefer to play in small groups, maybe just one or two best friends. They do not like to be bossy, they do many things for let their classmates like them. When they play games, they just play them for fun.
Second, different sexes use language in different ways. Male often use commands when they talk to each other. During them playing games, they like to say “You go first, don’t wait for me, I will catch you soon.” It sounds like they are leaders. When they needs help, ladies would like to say “could you open the window” or “may I ……” but males they just want people do what they say. Such as “open the door.” For me, I will feel more comfortable when lady ask me for help.
Finally, in my country most men need to work more hard women. They have liability to protect and make enough money for their families. When people have problems, men like to think how to solve them by themselves. Women usually have no ideas and they would like to ask people for help. I think men’s ability of service are more strong.
These differences seem like male and female can not live together well. Actually not, they need each other. Just like women like to listen to men and men like to order women. Why does it strange?

1 comment:

  1. PLease take the time to check your work carefully before you post it! This is a good way for you to develop a good 'eye' when looking over your own work and you can try and find your own mistakes and improve your writing.
    It's too bad this was so late! I hope that you remembered to comment on at least 2 other blog posts.
